As many of you must now realize, our approach to training is from
the personal defense perspective. And this philosophy applies to our
knife defense programs as well. All our videos are based on the title of
our best-selling CONTROLLING THE BLADE video, because that's what knife
fighting is all about.
Whether knife defense is the 'Achilles Heel' in your toolbox or one of
your strengths, you will pick up important training tips, mind-set
concepts, fear management tools and, of course, basic concepts regarding
the SPEAR System as it applies to weapon control. As a free bonus, you
get our "FORGING A FIGHTING SYSTEM" video with contact clips from
1. Controlling the Blade
2. Defensive Knife Training
3. Groundfighting vs. the Armed Assailant
4. VIP Knife & Grappling
5. Forging a Fighting System
Total Savings = $112.00 on VHS or DVD