Wilkinson, Pfannerstill and Reynolds


Thousands and thousands of martial artists and trainers have purchased the BYOB series over the last decade, and now, we're excited to offer BYOB2, another comprehensive bundle of training tapes that will add new tools to your street defense tool box.

*BE YOUR OWN BODYGUARD® (BYOB) is one of our most important and motivating principles. Coined back in 1987 during research & development of the CEREBRAL Self-Defense seminar series, the principle & concept soon became the name for our best selling video home study program.

Here's what's in BYOB2:

1. SPEAR System Fundamentals - includes bonus
2. S.P.E.A.R. System Extreme Close Quarter Tools: The CQ Toolbox
3. SPEAR vs. Common Street Attacks
4. DANGEROUS COWARDS: Strategies for Multiple Assailants

You pay just $174.00 on DVD

Total Savings = $69

*Order with your credit card NOW and receive 2 more videos or DVDs FREE!
We'll include:

1.COMBAT Conditioning
2.HIGH GEAR demo tape

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